Java Full Stack Developer Course in Bangalore
Unlock a future-proof career as a Full Stack Developer with Codegnan's comprehensive 100-day Java full-stack developer course in Bangalore. Get hands-on expertise in Java full-stack technologies such as Spring, React, and Microservices under the guidance of seasoned industry experts. Backed by guaranteed placement assistance, this program equips you with the skills and credentials to thrive in the dynamic IT landscape of India's tech capital.
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Become a full stack java developer in Bangalore
Talk to our expert Java mentors and learn how our training programs in Bangalore can help you become a Java developer and get a high-paying job.
300 Hours Instructor
Led Training
& Projects
Lifetime Access
& Upgrade
24/7 Lifetime
Java Full Stack Training Course Overview and Key Features
Our Java full-stack developer course in Bangalore course offers a carefully curated curriculum to the students to help them learn all the whys and the hows of end-to-end application software development. We, at Codegnan ensure that our students are equipped with up-to-date subject knowledge alongside essential people skills. Our goal is to train our students to stand at the helm of the career game.
- Get trained from mentors with 8+ years of experience
- Online/offline training with HackerRank and OCJP preparation
- Industry recognized Java certification
- Complete placement assistance
- 100 days of intensive coaching by industry leaders
- Opportunity to work on real-time projects
Career Growth With Java Training Course in Bangalore
Taking a Java full stack course in Bangalore can assist you in securing high-paying job opportunities in the software industry. By familiarizing yourself with the latest and most widely regarded tools and technologies in Java, you will be able to effectively take your career up a notch in the most bustling IT hub of India.
1. Career Scope
Training can help you become an adept java professional, which in turn will assist you in bagging top job profiles like full stack Java developer, full stack web developer, front-end developer, back-end developer, web designer, web developer and so much more.
2. Salary Scope of java developer
The average annual salary of a full stack Java developer in Bangalore ranges between ₹ 2.4 Lakhs to ₹ 14.0 Lakhs with an average salary of ₹ 6.6 LPA. The monthly take home salary is estimated to be around ₹ 34,000 to ₹ 35,500.
3. Demand for Java Full Stack Developers
Full stack developers are valuable assets in almost all companies in the technology sector, be it MNCs or startups. This is why their demand is increasing at a rapid pace. Bangalore, being at the pinnacle of the Indian software industry, is expected to create loads of opportunities for these professionals in the upcoming years.
4. Job Availability
The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports reveal that the total number of job openings for developers will witness a job growth of more than 25% by 2024. By completing a practical-centric Java training course, you will be able to mark your name amongst the jobs of the future.
5. Networking Opportunities
With a Java training course, you will receive the opportunity of a lifetime to interact with distinguished industry professionals and like minded peers. This will significantly aid you in building a strong professional network in the highly competitive job market.
6. Types of Java Developer Jobs
Completing a full-fledged full stack java training program that focuses on interview assistance will make you an adept Java developer. With enhanced technical prowess, you will be able to grab lucrative jobs in the tech sector including Java Full Stack Developer, Software Developer, Lead Java Developer, Principal Software Engineer, AWS Java Developer, Web Developer, and so much more.
Full Stack Java Developer Course Curriculum in Bangalore
- History
- Features
- Post Install Configuration
- Writing a simple program
- compiling and executing
- Data types
- Variables and Arrays
- Using Eclipse
- Create packaged classes
- Eclipse shortcuts
- Arithmetic Operators
- Boolean Operators
- Logical Operators
- Binary Operators
- Branching Statements
- Iterative Statements
- Break & Continue with enhancements
- While
- For
- Do..While
- Break and Continue Statement
- Basics of OOPs
- Fundamentals of class & object
- new keyword
- Reference variables
- Member methods of a class
- Constructors
- Finalize method
- Overloading member methods
- Overloading constructors
- Passing and returning objects with methods
- Access Control
- Static Methods
- Static Variables
- Static Block
- Using final keyword
- Unit Testing using Junit-5
- Basics of Inheritance
- Members accessibility in inheritance
- Using super keyword
- The sequence of execution of constructors in inheritance
- Method Overriding
- Dynamic Method Dispatch
- Abstract classes
- Preventing overriding
- Preventing inheritance
- Fundamentals of Exceptions
- Types of exceptions
- Using try and catch keywords
- Multiple catches
- Nesting of try blocks
- Using throw keyword
- Using throws keyword
- Finally block
- Some predefined exceptions and their usage
- User defined exceptions
- Purpose of Interface
- Defining an interface
- Implementing interfaces
- Interface reference variables
- Interface with variables
- Extending interfaces
- Basics of threads
- Java threaded model
- Defining threads using Runnable interface
- Defining threads using Thread superclass
- Multiple threads
- Thread Priority values
- Thread Synchronization using synchronized methods
Thread Synchronization using synchronized blocks
- Using String class
- Using java.lang package
- Working with Data & Time
- Utility framework
- Collection framework
- I/O framework
● Solving Level by Level Challenges
● Assignments to acquire Bronze and Silver Level badges
- Introduction to Database & DBMS
- Data types
- Table, Record, Field
- SQL Queries,
- Database Normalization
- Joins, Sub Queries
- DDL Commands
- PL/Sql
- Overview of JDBC API
- Different types of JDBC Drivers
- DriverManager
- Establishing a connection with the database
- Creating and executing SQL Statements
- Working with CallableStatement
- Definition
- Deploying a simple servlet in a Servlet Container (Tomcat)
- Life cycle of a Servlet
- Servlet interface
- ServletRequest Interface
- ServletResponse Interface
- Additional capabilities of HTTPServlet
- Servlet Programming with JDBC CRUD Operations
- Session tracking
- JSP Basics
- Differences between Servlets and JSPs
- Running a simple JSP
- The JSP generated Servlet code
- JSP Implicit Objects
- JSP Syntax for Different JSP Elements
- Developing JSP Beans
- Introduction to ORM, JPA
- SessionFactory, Session, Transaction
- Performing CRUD Operations with XML
- Performing CRUD Operations with Annotations
- Different ID Generation Strategies
- Hibernate with Inheritance
- Introduction
- BeanFactory and application Context
- Container Concepts
- Spring Data JPA Template
- Introduction to STS
- DI with STS
- Security, Role based Authentication, OAuth2, Token based authentication
- Introduction to WebServicer
- Basics of REST APIs
- Spring REST
- Introduction to MicroService architecture
- Advantages with MicroService over Monolithinc architecture
- Develop and Deploy Microservice application in localhost Introduction to Service Discovery
- Client side Discovery pattern
- Server side Discovery pattern
- Load Balancing configuration
- Introduction to DevOps and advantages
- Cit
- Maven
- Jenkins
- Docker
- Unit Testing with JUnit
- Creational Design Patterns
- Structural Design Patterns
- Miscellaneous Design Patterns
- Behavioral Design Patterns
Life Line – A Health Assistance Web Application Requirement description
- Patient portfolio service- Health records (medical checkup history), book a bed (hospital), compare the cost of beds, compare Test reports, order medicines Doctor (service) -find doctor, book an appointment, doctor details
- Hospital (service) – list of doctors, specialty, available beds, book outdoor appoint- ment, treatment package(pregnancy, heart surgery etc.)
- Pathology (service) – list of tests, details about each test, book an appointment, test results/current and history)
- Medical Store (Service) – search Medicines, order medicines, upload prescriptions. view order history
- Ambulance service – Find Ambulance, Get travel cost. Book a travel, View travel history
Requirement description
- To provide computerised data storage facilities
- Users can search easily for any record.
- The new system requires less time for completion of any work.
- All the stock of medicine is updated automatically in the new system.
- Integration of Payment Gateway
- The system is user friendly and anyone having computer knowledge can handle it easily.
- Maintaining stock, Supplier information, Customer information & bill information are easy.
Requirement description
- Develop a web based application auctions. This application allows the users to sell something in auctions.
- Users of the application bid on the products they are interested in buying.
- The main objective of the e-Auction must be to obtain best value and the highest price.
- It cannot be possible to achieve best value outcomes whilst the focus remains on price.
Requirement description
An online-banking application allows you to perform day to day banking activities.
- New User Registration
- Login
- Deposit
- Withdrawal
- Fund Transfer
- Introduction
- History and Importance of HTML
- Basic HTML syntax
- The current state of HTML
- HTML resources
- Choosing a code editor
- Exploring an HTML document
- DOCTYPE declarations
- Document head
- Understanding content models
- Formatting content with HTML
- Headings
- Paragraphs
- Whitespaces
- Images
- Unordered lists
- Ordered lists
- Definition lists
- Anchor element
- Page internal linking
- Linking to external pages
- Linking to downloadable
- Linking to page regions
- Introduction to forms and their importance
- Form structure and basic form elements
- Text inputs, textareas, and buttons
- Radio buttons and checkboxes
- Select dropdowns and file uploads
- Hidden inputs and labels
1. Favourite Blog
2. Resume building with HTML
3. Registration & Login page
Getting started
- HTML overview
- Default browser styles
- Browser support and inconsistencies
- Inline, internal and external CSS
- Naming conventions
- Syntax, terminology, and naming conventions
- Type, class, and id selectors.
- Combinator selectors
- Selectors: Best practices
- Web-safe fonts and the font-family property
- Web fonts and Google fonts
- The font-size property
- The font-style and font-weight properties
- The color, line height, and text properties
- Adjusting the font-weight property
- Block vs. inline display
- The box model
- Margin and page layout
- Padding
- Floats
- The box model fix
- Box model review
- Float and display review
- Horizontal navs with the display property
- Horizontal navs with the float property
- Positioning
- Float, display, and position
- Layers and the z-index property
- CSS grid
- CSS Flexbox
1. Building Paytm clone Page
2.Building Portfolio page
- Introduction
- What is Bootstrap? Why do we use it?
- Initial environment setup
- Section introduction
- Headings and basic typography
- Text alignment and Display
- Floats and Fixed positions
- Colors and Backgrounds.
- Margin and Padding spacing
- Sizing and Borders
- Section Intro
- Buttons and Button groups
- Navbar and Navs
- List groups and Badges
- Forms & input
- Input groups
- Alerts and Progress Bars
- Tables and Pagination
- Working with cards
- Media objects
- Jumbotron
- Section Intro
- Grid system
- Grid alignment
- Flexbox classes
- Auto margin, wrap, and ordering
- Introduction
- What is JavaScript?
- How does JavaScript relate to Java?
- History of JavaScript
- Navigating the JavaScript landscape
- Tools for JavaScript development
- Introducing the browser console
- Add inline JavaScript to an HTML document
- Add JavaScript in an external file
- Basic syntax & comments
- Declarations
- Arithmetic operators and math operators
- Working with strings and numbers
- Literals
- Conditional statements and logic
- Looping Statements
- Arrays
- Predefined functions of an Array
- Defining functions
- Calling functions
- Closures
- Arguments & parameters
- Arrow functions
- Number Methods
- Boolean Methods
- String Methods
- Array Methods
- Math Methods
- RegExp Methods
- Creating objects
- Objects and properties
- Map
- Exporting
- Importing
- Default exports
- Renaming features
- Aggregating modules
- Dynamic module loading
- Intro to DOM
- Target elements in the DOM with querySelector methods
- Access and change classes
- Access and change attributes
- Add DOM elements
- Apply inline CSS to an element
- DOM events
- AJAX calls
- get, post, put, delete using fetch() and axios library
1. Creating a website in which we can upload files, displaying data in table format, and adding CSS to it from the front end.
2.Creating a simple College website using HTML, CSS, JS. In which we can move from one page to another page, building a registration page.
- Introduction to React.js
- Setting up a React development environment (e.g., Nodejs, npm, Create React App)
- Hello World example
- Understanding React components
- JSX syntax
- Functional components
Class components
Passing and using props
- State in React components
- Updating state
- Component lifecycle methods
- useState()
- useEffect()
- useContext)
- Event handling in React
- Binding event handlers
- Arrow functions vs. regular functions
- Controlled components
- Handling form submission
- Form validation
- Conditional rendering with if statements
- Ternary operators and logical && in J5X
- Rendering Lists
- Using map to render lists of elements
- Providing a key for each item
- The importance of keys in React
- Choosing the correct key
- CSS in React
- Different approaches for styling (CSS, CSS-in-JS, CSS Modules)
- Inline styles
- Styling Libraries
- Popular CSS frameworks (eg, Bootstrap, Material-Ul)
- Introduction to React Router
- Setting up React Router
- Creating routes
- Navigating with React Router
- Using Link and NavLink
- Nested Routes and Dynamic Routing
- Nested routes
- Passing parameters to routes
- Introduction to Redux
- Understanding the need for state management
- Basic concepts: actions, reducers, store
- Setting Up Redux
- Installing Redux and setting up a store
- Creating actions and reducers
- Connecting React with Redux
- Using connect to connect components to the store
- Dispatching actions
- Making HTTP requests in React
- Fetching data from an API
- Async/Await and Promises
- Error Handling and Debugging
- Debugging React apps
- Performance Optimization
- Memoization
- React.memo and PureComponent
1) Hospital Management System:- It is a single Page application. In which doctors and patients are available. Using ReactJS, json-server package.
Doctors are going to be added based on their Specialisation
Patients are going to book appointments for a Specific Doctor.
2) Online Banking Application:- A simple online-banking application allows you to perform day to day banking activities.
New User Registration
Fund Transfer
Deploying a React application
• Deployment strategies (e.g., Netlify, Vercel, AWS)
Java Skills Covered in Bangalore
Become a pro in Java programming
Become a pro in Java programming.
Gain expertise in Java, MySQL, CSS, Spring, Bootstrap, React JS, DevOPs, Hibernate and Javascript for real world projects
End-to-end experience in front-end, back-end and web development
Become acquainted with Java object oriented programming, databases and multithreaded programming among others
Build a diverse Java and full stack portfolio with case studies and hands-on projects
Enroll in Java full stack developer course in Bangalore
Talk to our expert Java mentors and learn how our training programs can help you become a java developer and get a high-paying job.
Tools You Will Learn With Our Full Stack Java Training In Bangalore
With our practical and job-assisted java full-stack developer course training in Bangalore, you will get a chance to explore a plethora of sophisticated industry tools and technology including.
Our coursework covers all the fundamental and advanced modules on Java to help you stay updated with the latest market trends and technologies. We have a reputation of not stopping till our students become proficient full stack Java developers.
Full Stack Java Projects You Will Work On
Our full stack Java developer course in Bangalore focuses on an interactive learning experience so that you can learn everything that goes into creating robust and interactive web applications. The knowledge and skill sets you will gain by working on our well-designed full stack projects will help you stay ahead of the competition.
1. Hospital Management System
Training can help you become an adept java professional, which in turn will assist you in bagging top job profiles like full stack Java developer, full stack web developer, front-end developer, back-end developer, web designer, web developer and so much more.
2. Online Auction Application
You will get a chance to create an engaging e-auction application that gives users the opportunity to obtain the best estimated product value along with the highest bid. This project will assist you in building a strong command over DevOps tools, interfaces, server side programming and so much more.
3. Online Banking Application
In this project, you will gain in-depth knowledge of building a functional application that performs a variety of operations including user registration, login, deposit, withdrawal and fund transfer with just a click of a button. You will learn how to incorporate theoretical Java and full stack knowledge to real world projects.
4. Online Medicine Shopping System
Working on this e-shopping system, you will understand how to create computerized data storage facilities from scratch. You will work on a lot of functionalities like payment gateway integration, maintaining stock, supplier data, and bill information that will offer you an all-around perspective of creating a fully operational application.
Who is This Java Full Stack Course For?
Want to take a big leap in your career? Codegnan’s full stack Java developer course training in Bangalore offers you an exhaustive curriculum to bring you closer to your objectives. You can join our army if you are:
College Students/ Fresh Graduates
It doesn’t matter if you have ever studied programming or not. Even if you are straight out of school or college, you will be able to comprehend our easy-to-understand curriculum.
Beginner Developers
We all know that being a beginner in the IT sector is tough. If you want to ease your professional journey and bag bankable jobs, our practically-oriented program is the right fit for you.
IT Professionals
Our full stack Java course is also suitable for IT professionals who are looking to upscale their career and gain an added advantage over others. By working on a versatile collection of projects, you will stay abreast with what’s raging in the IT sector.
Anyone Interested in Java Full Stack
A keen interest in programming and a determination to learn - that’s all we require from you. And, Voila! You are good to enroll in our all-inclusive Java full stack program.
Full Stack Java Certification in Bangalore
Codegnan offers all its full stack java learners an elaborate certificate at the end of course which is a proof that you have taken a step ahead in your professional journey. With a range of assignments, you will be able to get hands-on abilities to succeed in your path as a Developer.
Meet Your Full Stack Java course trainer
A Tech-enthusiast and orator with 6+years of experience in Java Full Stack and also scenarist, designed various Technical courses related to Web Technologies & Networks. Trained over 10000+ students on JFS , and provided corporate Training as per the project requirements in DXC and NCS for Singapore candidates.Impart skill oriented short duration training for rural youths to help them in developing their technical and professional skills.
Codegnan Learners success
1250+ Companies Have Hired Codegnan Learners
Full Stack Java Course Fees in Bangalore— Get 30 % off
Limited time offer. Get our 100 days of distinguished JAVA Full Stack online and offline training with numerous placement drive opportunities at just ₹ 50,000 against the original price of ₹ 70,000. Not only will you gain unlimited access to our expert designed curriculum, but you will also have an opportunity to gather a plethora of lifetime skills that will take your career to new heights.
Our other full-stack Java training location(s)
codegnan's other training courses in Bangalore
Phone Number
#951, 16th Main, BTM 2nd Stage, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560076.
Full Stack Java Training in Bangalore FAQs
1. Is Java full stack a good career in 2023?
Java full stack is one of the most well paying professions in the year 2023. The field allows endless growth as Java skills are useful to every business that deals in the technology domain.
2. What is the eligibility criteria to enroll in this course?
For B.Tech (CSE, IT, ECE, EEE) and MCA:
- Minimum academic criteria: 60% in B.Tech, 60% in Intermediate, and 60% in 10th Class.
- We provide 100% Placement Assistance with up to 80 Placement Drives.
For B.Sc & BCA:
- Minimum academic criteria: 60% in B.Tech, 60% in Intermediate, and 60% in 10th Class.
- We offer 100% Placement Assistance with up to 40 Placement Drives.
- For students who do not meet the above criteria:
- We provide skills training but do not offer 100% Placement Assistance.
These are the main points so you can use accordingly not.
3. What are the full stack Java training fees offered by Codegnan?
The full stack Java training at Codenan is offered at a price of ₹ 50,000, whether you enroll in the offline or online mode. This package includes the core curriculum, assignments, study material and hands-on projects.
4. What certification will I receive upon completion of the course?
You will receive Codegnan’s industry acclaimed certification after completing the course. In addition, you will gain all the technical skills required to further apply and bag the Oracle Certified Java Programmer certification.
5. What are the job opportunities after this full stack java training from Codegnan?
You can secure bankable job opportunities in the Java and full stack fields in several positions including full stack web developer, full stack java developer, front-end developer, web developer, back-end developer, web designer and full-stack developer.
6. Does learning Java increase my salary?
Learning Java can surely give you an edge over various other professions. On an average, a full stack Java developer in India earns an annual salary of ₹ 6.6 LPA, which lies in the range of ₹ 2.4 Lakhs to ₹ 14.0 Lakhs per annum.
7. Can I learn Java full stack in 3 months?
Yes, you can learn Java in three months. Codegnan’s well-structured full stack java training in Bangalore can help you learn about the latest Java tools and techniques, all from level zero to advanced.
8. What is the course duration of this full stack Java training in Bangalore?
The duration of Codegnan’s full stack Java training is 100 days. The course is designed to suit the needs of every type of candidate from beginner to experienced within the given time period.
9. Does codegnan offer online and offline full stack Java training classes in Bangalore?
Codegnan provides both online and offline training within a duration of 100 days each. So no matter if you live in Bangalore (or nearby areas) or anywhere remote you can get enrolled in the program.
10. What if I have queries after the course?
We will assist you in case of any queries, even after the completion of your Java online training. You are always welcome to reach through our customer care number or email us your query. We would love to assist you.
11. What is meant by24*7 lifetime support?
You will get 24*7 support and lifetime access to the LMS, where course material like presentations, installation guides & class recordings are available. Email support will always be there to clear your doubts.
Java Full Stack Course in Bangalore
Located in BTM Layout, Bangalore, Java Full Stack training courses not only build core development skills but strategically place learners in the heart of India’s tech industry. With direct access to companies like Infosys and Wipro in nearby tech parks, students can benefit from potential networking during breaks and get real-time project insights, and an understanding of industry demands. This location learning learning, linking theory with practice and preparing students for the competitive IT job market.
Choosing Bangalore for Java Full Stack training also opens doors to abundant career opportunities. Tech neighborhoods around Koramangala and MG Road provide students with exposure to cutting-edge developments, equipping them to work confidently in high-demand roles. In this thriving tech landscape, learners are well-positioned to secure high-paying jobs and achieve their career goals.